Estate Planning Blog
What are the damages that can be claimed in a personal injury case?
In the realm of personal injury claims, the term "damages" signifies the financial compensation...
Can You File a Personal Injury Case Against Governmental Entities?
Can You File a Personal Injury Case Against Governmental Entities like the City of Columbus, the...
Filing a Personal Injury Claim: A Comprehensive Guide
If you or a loved one suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence, you may be considering...
When parents battle over school districts
Divorce and custody battles can be emotionally challenging for parents, and one crucial aspect to...
How Do Pour-Over Wills Work?
What is a Pour-Over Will? A pour-over will is a last will and testament that transfers all of the...
Older Couples Selling Their Homes Can Get Major Tax Breaks
Susan recently lost her husband, Carl, and is now a widow. They shared ownership of their home...
How a Trust for Minors Works
A trust for minors is typically established as a strategy to protect assets and distribute...
How To Divide Possessions Among Heirs
The death of a family member brings the family together to share their grief, but then things can...
Trusts For Those With Addiction Problems
Passing on your assets to someone struggling with addiction Are you planning to include someone...
How to choose a Trustee
So you’ve finally made the decision to move forward with your estate plan and now you need to...
What It Means To Die Intestate
Intestate simply means if you die without a Will. If you have a close relative die without leaving...
12 Critical Estate Planning Mistakes
If you want to ensure that your estate plan properly protects and provides for your heirs, it is...